Media Representation
In conducting a media campaign our work is by the text book: Draft and disseminate press releases to appropriate media; Secure preview in the print, digital media and on television and radio; Place photos in all appropriate media; Organize photo calls; Secure critical coverage; Track and compile coverage for publicity report.
But, there are press releases, and then there are Press Releases. There are story pitches, and then there are Story Pitches. We, modestly, consider ours among the best because we really listen to our clients, spend time doing research—all in an effort to create materials that separate our clients from all others. It takes curiosity and creativity, as well as time. But we love doing it because we also learn a great deal in the process. The results are realized in the distinctive materials we create and the message we send.
Social Media
Social media, the newest kid on the PR block, has the flexibility, speed and wit to invent new ways to attract attention and creatively respond to an onslaught of varying demands. We use it to amplify, extend the reach and reinforce our use of traditional media. Like octopuses we can reach out to all its forms to ensure the message get out as quickly, smartly and compellingly as possible: “Pay attention” we (discreetly) shout in a multitude of ways.
We employ the brevity police of Twitter to keep the message short and pithy while raising curiosity; Facebook offers a chance for real conversation both verbal and visual. Success is tracked and analyzed and the results folded into the next try to keep the energy going.
Graphic Design, Marketing And Advertising
Our experience demonstrates that all attention-getting devices—press, marketing, advertising, are most effective when coordinated and strategically integrated.
Our graphic design team gives splash and dash. We create advertisements, brochures, flyers, rack cards, posters, publicity reports, program books, and videos, each meticulously designed to capture the singularity of its subject.
Our copy writing has won attention for its distinctive style and clarity. In our office words are considered tools for communication and each one is held accountable for getting the message across: clearly, succinctly, imaginatively and when needed, with wit. When a good word is needed, we can help put it in: Brochures, flyers, speeches, article ghost writing and fundraising materials.
Over the years we have created panels, seminars, press conferences of all kinds and sizes in many different countries across the globe in order to attract and educate artists, audiences and the press on a wide range of subjects. Examples a panel of major magazine and newspaper photo editors discussing what to look for in a photographer and what constitutes a publishable photograph; press and VIP lunches to announce major coming attractions from abroad such as France Moves; a major anniversary such as The American Dance Festival’s 50th anniversary; the opening of a new building such as 890 Broadway or the results of a major study such as the statistical results announced by Dance NYC.
We have organized creative residencies in theaters and university settings: For example, The Lincoln Center Festival (Ballet National de Marseille) , UCLA (Ballet Biarritz) Peak Performances (Richard Alston Company) are a few stages where we have sent clients to roost. The Alston Company, the most recent, was inspired the Company’s need for a first rate chorus for Alston’s magnificent “Ceremony of Carols.” Knowing that Montclair State University has a magnificent chorus, I married the two institutions for a week of performances in December 2012.
Crisis Management
Oops! When bad things happen to good people, how can the circumstances be modified? Not only modified but brought to a surprisingly good conclusion. Over the years we earned bragging rights for minimizing the fallout from relationships gone bad, death threats to select members of the press, public displays of questionable behavior.
Sometimes clients are short on funds, but need advice on how to handle a small public relations campaign either by their in-house staff or by themselves. We have the experience. Sometimes a client needs some help in thinking how to proceed with his career or What is the next step? We offer good, thoughtful advice.
Media Junkets
There are times, especially now, when the media doesn’t have the funds to subsidize a journalist’s trip, even to an important performance or event. Our office has organized press trips from as close as New Jersey. Massachusetts and destinations as far flung as China, Denmark, France, and Korea.
Special Projects
We listen to dreams, and then comb our minds, imaginations, sources, address books, colleagues and our memories to locate relevant contacts that could assist in the creation. When appropriate we call upon outside help to collaborate. Our network is global and our imaginations intergalactic.